History of the Sea

Who would have thought that hundreds of millions of years ago the sea swept over Missouri. This is according to Diane Toroian Keaggy’s article over at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch entitled “Artist Brings New Arches to St. Louis with Museum Installation. The piece is called “Stone Sea” by British sculptor Andy Goldsworthy.

And what post about geology (and the material used to build the sculptor) would be complete without an article about the K-T Boundry. I discussed the topic with my son’s Science teacher a couple of weeks ago at his student conference.

For those of you who don’t know (and I have to say that I wasn’t too familiar with it either) the boundary marks the end of the Mesozoic era and the beginning of the Cenozoic era, and is associated with the Cretaceiys-Paleogene extinction or mass extinction. You can get more information on the K-T Boundry over at wikipedia.

Sleep tight!


Green Librarian

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