Category Archives: Marsupial

New neighbor

So the other night my oldest son and I ran into a neighbor of ours though I don’t know if it’s the our neighbor from way back when or a new neighbor. The only difference was this time included another one of our neighbors, Athena our next door neighbors huskie.

Turns out it’s a good thing we were there as Athena was trying to play with our other neighbor, the opposum. So while my oldest reigned in Athena, I gave the opposum a gentle push along, making sure to keep the two neighbors apart. What happens next, I guess we’ll see.

Sincerely –

Green Librarian

A little opossum light reading

So after posting that picture my son took and being the librarian that I am, I decide to go see if I could find a little light reading on opossums. Turns out the first place I went to, Treehugger had an article entitled “10 Things you didn’t know about Opossums” by Melissa Breyer.

Truth be told, they are quite the amazing animal but don’t take my word for it, take Melissa’s. Now maybe I need to go find a book about them.

Sincerely –

Green Librarian