Category Archives: Nature

Why I like nature

Well, it starts with the birds, the butterflies and the bees. They take me somewhere that I don’t know if I can exactly tell you where it is. It’s just that place where I find myself.

My oldest and I helping our new neighbor, the opposum a couple of weeks ago, took me there too. Then last week, helping a baby bird the other day on the way to work, moving it off the sidewalk, took me there too. Thank you mother nature.

Sincerely –

Green Librarian


The other day, I was cleaning out under my bed and low and behold, I found one of my old flash drives with lots of pictures from my camera on it. Looking through a few of the pictures, this one reminded me how sometimes I miss having winter around, especially when it snows.

Sincerely –

Green Librarian

Taking pictures

I’m definitely looking to getting the chance to take some pictures this weekend and maybe even next week as I’m off all week. Unfortunately since I’ve apparently lost (or hopefully just misplaced) my flash drive, I guess I’m also going to have to take some time to transfer all of the pictures off my camera onto a new one. Maybe I’ll work on sorting my frames as well. Could be a lot of fun.

Sincerely –

Green Librarian

Tiny clouds

I must say this I think this is is one of my favorite cloud pictures. I’m just now realizing that I usually take pictures of clouds out in my neighborhood and that I never really look up at the clouds when I’m out in nature. I think that maybe that should change.

Sincerely –

Green Librarian

Waiting for fall

I must say, looking out at the trees these days, I’m anxious to get out and take some more pictures. Despite the fact that I’m not feeling my best, I’ve always believed that going out into nature is the best medicine. That said, I went back through my pictures tonight to find some that I took last fall and I think this is one of my favorites. I can’t wait to go walking that trail again.

Sincerely –

Green Librarian

Trail to heaven

Heaven on earth. I think that’s a fair assessment of nature. I know it’s the place I go when I want to find myself, just me and my camera. Spring, summer, fall or winter, no matter the season, no matter the time.

Sincerely –

Green Librarian