Category Archives: Lakes


This is one of those places where I’ve looked time and time again and it seems, no matter the time or the season, the views is never the same. It’s also one of my favorite places to look, like when I look out over our lake up in northern Minnesota, as both have great memories.

Sincerely –

Green Librarian

Along the rivers edge

This is one of those pictures I took just because of the rocks. Be it little rocks I’ve collected along the beaches or rivers or the bigger ones that help to show us the way to those lakes or river, to me, rocks always lead the way.

Sincerely –

Green Librarian

Summer and the great lakes

For the last few years now, the kids and I or at least two of my kids and I, have taken a day trip from our cabin up to Duluth, Minnesota where we get a chance to check out lake Michigan. So coming across this article entitled “Are the Great Lakes Really Inland Seas?” by Gemma Tarlachapril over at Atlas Obscura has been an interesting read to say the least.

Sincerely –

Green Librarian

Tall tree

So in keeping with the spirit of Christmas, here’s another tree that sits along our lake up in Minnesota. It’s also one that I feel like has been there a long time, sort of like my family. Maybe we haven’t been there quite as long but still.

Sincerely –

Green Librarian


So this was a pretty easy topic to pick today, what with our family vacation just around the corner. I was also checking out my new telephoto lens tonight, so I’m hoping I’ll get some even more amazing shots of sunsets. That said, every sunset up there is amazing and I just can’t wait to get going.

I’ve really started thinking about it today as my oldest son worked his last day yesterday and even though I still have two more days, at least I’m getting off a little early on Friday so I can pick up the rental car. The plan is to pack the car that night and so we can just get up on Saturday and take off. I’m ready.


Green Librarian

The simple things in life

This is another picture I took several years ago while on a family vacation in northern Minnesota but instead of the usual sunset, it’s a picture of some water lilies on our lake. A very simple picture to say the least but sometimes simple is the best. Probably unlike a lot of the times we’ve spent up there but a lot like the best times we’ve spent up there. A good meal, good conversation and just the beauty of the lake.