Category Archives: Pictures

A stranger

So I was on one of my nature walks, taking pictures when a stranger approached me and towards the end of our conversation, mentioned that there was a waterfall nearby that I should take a picture of. So of course I did.

Sincerely –

Green Librarian

Bird watching

I have to admit, I never thought that bird watching would be something I would enjoy but, after putting a bird bath outside my bedroom window, It’s started to peak my interest.

In fact, I came recently came across an article entitled LeConte’s Sparrow, from the St. Louis chapter of Audubon that interested me. While I couldn’t find that article online, I did find this one entitled “LeConte’s Sparrow over at Cornell Lab courtesy of that article. One of nineteen North American sparrows that we see in Missouri.

Sincerely –

Green Librarian


The other day, I was cleaning out under my bed and low and behold, I found one of my old flash drives with lots of pictures from my camera on it. Looking through a few of the pictures, this one reminded me how sometimes I miss having winter around, especially when it snows.

Sincerely –

Green Librarian

Moon shot

This is without a doubt, the best picture of the moon I’ve ever taken. It makes me want to get a more powerful lens to see if I can get an even better picture. Until then, I think I’m pretty happy with this one. In fact, maybe I don’t need a more powerful lens.

Sincerely –

Green Librarian

Taking pictures

I’m definitely looking to getting the chance to take some pictures this weekend and maybe even next week as I’m off all week. Unfortunately since I’ve apparently lost (or hopefully just misplaced) my flash drive, I guess I’m also going to have to take some time to transfer all of the pictures off my camera onto a new one. Maybe I’ll work on sorting my frames as well. Could be a lot of fun.

Sincerely –

Green Librarian