Monthly Archives: September 2014

Microbes are in the soil too!

I’ve learned a lot about microbes lately. First I discovered that they’re in the ocean. Today I learned about microbes in the soil. As they say, you learn something new every day. If you want to learn about them, check out the article “A Microscopic Issue of Unknown Consequences” by Henry Fountain at the New York Times.

You can also check out my previous post about them entitled “From the Top to the Bottom of the Ocean“. There everywhere, there everywhere. Who knew?



Green Librarian

Science fairs and volcanoes

I have to say that I learned about lava tubes from my now fifteen year old son. When he was growing up, he loved volcanoes and consequently I learned to love them too. In fact, it was during this time that he participate in our local science fairs and of course, he chose volcanoes like Mt. St. Helen and  Mt. Vesuvius.

Anyway, when I saw this story over at GrindTV, I knew I had to post it. It  also reminded me of a book I read a couple of years ago entitled Subterranean Twin Cities about the caves of the twin cities.

The article I’m talking about is entitled “Stunning Photos Taken of Secret Lava Cave” by David Strege at GrindTV. It’s about the lava caves located in the state of Washington. The photo’s are breathtaking.



Green Librarian



This is probably not your dad’s workshop

While my yard isn’t exactly under control (and I’m okay with that), Matt Conn’s yard is really out of control but he’s good with that too. You see, his property in Iberia Parish, Louisiana is a wetland and that’s what he likes.

Check out the article over at the New York Times entitled “A Hobbyist Whose Workshop Sits Among the Cypress Trees” by John Schwartz. It sounds like fun to me!

Happy Friday!


Green Librarian



So tonight I’m thinking how about a two for one on citizen action? This animal is another one that during my childhood I was always on the look out for, especially when were headed out west to visit my grandparents

They are such a majestic animal and to me, represent this country in so many ways.The action is over on the Wildlife Conservation Society website or can be found here.

Good Night!


Green Librarian



Now I’ve never done this before, posted a citizen action before but when it comes to an animal as near and dear to my heart as the Loon, I thought okay maybe it’s time to start doing this.

So here’s a link to a National Wildlife Federation twitter post that includes not only an amazing picture, but a link to the action as well. There’s nothing like waking up to the sound of Loons chattering among themselves as they hang out fishing on a lake.



Green Librarian

The earth shall rise

This is an affect from climate change that I didn’t really occur to me, according to the article “Extreme Drought is Making the West Cost Rise Like an Uncoiled Spring” by Taz Loomans over at Inhabitat, the drought out west is causing the earth’s crust to rise. Wow!

So it’s sort of like we’re baking a pizza and we’re the toppings. You know, I just had pizza tonight. How scary is that?!



Green Librarian



Night light in the sky

The Harvest moon this last couple of days was simply amazing. I sat there the other night and just stared at it for a while. Then today I saw this article.

The article is entitled “The Moon Comes Around Again” by Natalie Agier over at the New York Times. Sometimes I thing I forget about the moon and the role it plays in our lives.

In fact, one role it plays is with our ocean tides. Just the other day I found this article, “Looking for a Tide Almanac? EarthSky Recommends...” by Bruce McClure at EarthSky. I haven’t had the chance to check them out yet, but I hope to soon.



There’s no place like home

I would definitely agree with Dorothy but it seems to me that we’re messing up someone else’s home and that is the home of our amazing sea creatures. The article is over at PlanetSave by James Ayre and unfortunately, it tells just part of the story.

It’s entitled “Discarded Fishing Traps Wreaking Extensive Environmental Damage, NOAA Research Finds“. Talking about all the stuff we’re leaving behind when we go fishing in our oceans. We wouldn’t do this in our own home, so let’s not do it in theirs.



Green Librarian



From the tree tops

It seems Dr.Michael Knoblauch at Washington State University is a very determined person. He is trying to prove a longstanding hypothesis about how nutrients are transported in plants.

Back in 1930 German plant physiologist, Ernst Münch came up with the hypothesis that nutrients should flow from areas with higher pressure (the leaves, where sugars are added to the system) to areas with lower pressure.  As Dr. Knoblauch says, the Münch hypothesis “is super simple and super plausible”, “But it’s untested.”

You can check out where it now stands in the article entitled “Exploring a Tree One Cell at a Time” by Henry Fountain at the New York Times.



Green Librarian